
How is Artificial Intelligence Creating a Positive Impact on Society?

How is Artificial Intelligence Creating a Positive Impact on Society

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a potential game changing technology for the entire world. This emerging technology is a disruptive one and will completely transform the society we live in. AI has proved to be a revolution for businesses belonging to diverse industry verticals. AI is a futuristic technology which refers to a system of computers and machines that simulate human reasoning. Using AI, machines and gadgets can learn, think, and take decisions just the way humans do. AI empowers machines to mimic or replicate human behavior and intelligence.

Here are the different subsets of artificial intelligence that have the potential to bring about drastic changes in society. The use of these subsets of AI for society is likely to be a blessing for all of us.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Machine learning (ML)
  • Deep learning
  • Speech recognition
  • Machine perception
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

How will AI impact society?

One favorite question and a hot topic of debate amongst many across the globe is

What will be the impact of AI on society?

Like any other technology, AI has its pros and cons too. The impact of AI on society will be a powerful and long-lasting one. It depends on us (human beings) how we harness this technology and use it. One thing is certain, AI and society will always go hand in hand. A significant advancement in AI will directly reflect on the progress of society.

1) Voice assistants as a part of everyday life

Voice assistants have already become a part and parcel of daily life for many of us. They enable us to control gadgets and appliances through voice. Some popular voice assistants that are being presently used for daily activities include:

  • Siri (by Apple)
  • Alexa (by Amazon)
  • Cortana (by Microsoft)
  • Google Now (by Google)
  • Google Assistant (by Google)

These smart and intelligent assistants have made the lives of people in the society a lot easy and comfortable. This reflects on the power of AI for society progress.

Whether it is buying groceries, making a phone call, replying to emails, or even brewing coffee, voice assistants are powered by making everything possible.

2) Higher accuracy

The term ‘human error’ is commonly used in various businesses and industries. This is because human beings tend to commit errors from time to time in the tasks assigned to them. When AI powered machines and appliances are programmed using the right algorithms, they work flawlessly without committing any mistakes. Thus, the use of AI for society provides superior accuracy and precision. This is highly unlikely when humans are working on any project.

3) Speedy decision-making

AI coupled with other technologies enable machines to perform actions faster, take decisions quickly, and offer super fast solutions in comparison to human beings. When humans analyze, they take decisions based on both intellect and emotions. On the other hand, machines that work on AI take decisions instantly without any time lag. Of course, this is true only if the machines are programmed correctly.

4) Automation of repetitive tasks

AI helps to automate several day-to-day repetitive tasks. This saves valuable time and eliminates the need for humans to perform several monotonous tasks. Some repetitive and mundane tasks that can be automated include sending acknowledgment emails, setting reminders, etc.

5) 24 x 7 x 365 availability

Humans get tired after working continuously at a stretch. On the contrary, AI can enable machines to work tirelessly 24 x 7 x 365. Severe helpline centers are able to handle queries and inquiries anytime due to the use of AI powered machines that provide answers.

The AI market worldwide is expected to reach USD 267 billion by the year 2027. Considering the benefits of AI, it is all set to revolutionize the society we live in.

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