
AI in Fashion Industry – A Powerful Game Changing Technology

AI in Fashion Industry – A Powerful Game Changing Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made an impact on various industries around the world. AI is a robust technology that has disrupted various businesses by providing valuable insights to them about customers. Businesses gain a competitive edge over others through the use of AI technology. AI in fashion industry is working in similar lines. It has brought about a significant transformation in the way fashion businesses and brands are selling their products to customers and offering exceptional customer support.

AI in fashion industry is expected to reach $3.14 billion by 2028. The technological advancements and rapid expansion in the fashion industry is resulting in exponential growth. Artificial Intelligence in fashion industry creates an impact and transforms the industry across different levels such as designing, production, sales, marketing, and logistics. The fashion stores that have not adopted AI technology are at a risk of complete failure.

How does the fashion industry use AI?

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of a computer or robot to perform tasks and generate results just like intelligent human beings do.
  • AI makes it possible for machines to make decisions based on complex understanding of various processes and interpret the results just like humans do.
  • The artificial intelligence in fashion industry consists of a combination of multiple algorithms such as logical reasoning, decision making, problem-solving, etc.
  • AI in fashion industry is a technological advancement that is helping people make better choices when it comes to fashion that is sustainable in nature

Better customer personalization

  • In today’s competitive and fast-paced world, personalization is crucial for businesses to succeed.
  • Because of various data analysis techniques and technological advancements, there is a huge amount of customer data available for fashion businesses to read and study.
  • When this data about customers is integrated with technologies such as AI and ML, fashion companies can keep track on what individual clients prefer buying.
  • With AI in fashion industry, fashion companies can take personalization to a completely new level. 
  • Nike, a leading company in the fashion industry, is already offering an element of personalization to customers by allowing them to create their own custom design for the sneakers using the ‘Nike by You’ platform.
  • Personalization has become the new trend in the fashion industry.
  • AI in fashion industry is finding novel ways to analyze customer data and create tailor-made designs according to the customer’s preference.

Making predictions about customer purchases

  • With AI in fashion industry, it has become possible for fashion businesses to keep track of the type of fashion products that customers are looking out for.
  • Fashion companies can suggest similar products in terms of color, shape, size, and even price based on artificial intelligence identification patterns.

Fashion design is for everyone

  • With artificial intelligence fashion design, the power has moved from the hands of designers into the hands of the audience.
  • Fashion design is no longer a business vertical that is merely limited to transforming creative designs into its real form. 
  • Artificial intelligence fashion design allows the designers to understand customer behavioral patterns based on the data collected and improve the process of creating the designs.
  • AI in fashion industry helps fashion designers develop and sharpen key skills such as empathy, problem solving, creativity, negotiation, and many more that will increase employability.

Fashion trend prediction

  • Trend prediction or forecasting in fashion refers to projecting new fashion trends and what might appeal to customers in the future.
  • The fashion trends may be color, style, textures, prints, graphics, and much more.
  • AI in fashion industry makes it possible for fashion companies to judge what probably will be the most popular and sought-after apparels in the coming years.
  • With the help of various AI forecasting tools and techniques, fashion brands can foresee emerging trends in the market.
  • With trend prediction, brands can anticipate the demand from customers much earlier, and get a competitive edge in the market.

Inventory management 

  • With predictive analytics, AI in fashion industry helps in improving inventory management depending on the customer behavior.
  • Retailers can plan their inventory better by knowing the items that sell the most, and ones which are not in much demand.

Virtual fashion design

  • Virtual fashion design is a trending and innovative aspect in the world of fashion designing.
  • It involves designing clothes for online wear only for customers to try on avatars.
  • Compared with traditional ‘physical’ fashion design, virtual fashion design powered by Artificial intelligence fashion design is much faster and provides realistic 3D fashion samples compared to physical samples.
  • The biggest advantage of Artificial intelligence fashion design is that it reduces the wastage of cloth in sewing, unused samples, and harmful processes like dyeing.
  • With virtual fashion design, any color or fabric can be applied to the design without wastage of any materials.
  • Artificial intelligence fashion design reduces the pollution caused due to shipment of physical samples.

Improved fashion designs

  • With the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in fashion industry, the time needed by the designers to bring out fashion samples has reduced.
  • Not just this, but with enhanced fashion designs powered by AI, the wastage has also reduced drastically.
  • Samples with AI designs are now created on a large scale everyday, compared to the traditional method which took a lot of time.

Some other benefits of artificial intelligence in fashion industry include:

  • Automation of repetitive tasks and processes.
  • Reduced fashion apparel and accessory returns as customers make more informed purchasing decisions.
  • Enhanced customer experience, from manufacturing to packaging, and tracking.
  • Finding certain target items becomes easy for customers through virtual searches.
  • Detection of counterfeit fashion items and accessories.

Advanced technologies like machine learning, big data, augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence in fashion industry are facilitating innovation and creativity. AI and fashion industry are getting much closer. The fashion industry is growing and transforming rapidly, with the introduction of new programs powered by AI. From better customer experiences and more fashion choices for customers, AI in fashion industry is a potential game changing technology. Both AI and fashion industry have a bright future.

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